06 July 2011

Magic touch

I'm underwhelmed, to say the least, by Quantum mechanics and mysticism: An investigation of transformative experiences in Matrix Energetics seminars - a 178 page PhD dissertation [PDF] by Jos Marlowe. The doctorate was awarded last year by the Institute of TransPersonal Psychology in California, a truly delightful US institution that espouses quantum mysticism and unabashedly offers a course on telepathy! Stanford it's not.

Marlowe's dissertation concerns Matrix Energetics, a business built around magic touch (ie healing sundry ills through "intent" and application of a hand or two). The "intent" means that the practitioner intends to heal the recipient rather than punch the recipent's lights out or otherwise behave in a non-therapeutic way. (Readers of this blog may recall my bewilderment that magic touch and other contemporary parapsychology supposedly works only for good, curing rather than harming.)

Some sense of Matrix Energetics - or of the expected readership for the dissertation - is provided by Marlowe's comment that -
Richard Bartlett, the primary founder of Matrix Energetics, was supporting himself as a rock musician when disco replaced rock as a cultural phenomenon. To support himself, Bartlett found other jobs that did not offend his antiauthoritarian sensibilities: delivering newspapers and working as a hospital custodian. At the hospital Bartlett wore a uniform that unambiguously identified him as a maintenance worker as he cleaned and waxed the floor using a heavy floorpolishing machine. Nonetheless, he found that people kept stopping him and asking him medical questions. He took this as a sign from the universe that he should become a doctor.
So nice to see that the universe (Marlowe refers to the "quantum vacuum" as "the Holy Spirit", ironically or otherwise) has moved on from delivering messages via burning bushes to indications that if a cleaner is asked a medical question that means the person should become a practitioner!
Bartlett disliked the way mathematics was taught in the curriculum found in conventional medical schools, so instead he applied to chiropractic school, specifically the Parker Chiropractic College in Dallas, Texas. While Bartlett was attending Parker, his second child was born with a form of acute asthma that repeatedly progressed to pneumonia. In his search for a cure, Bartlett exhausted first conventional medicine, then chiropractic treatment, and finally a series of modalities that were not taught in any established medical school. One of these was Total Body Modification (TBM), a treatment invented by chiropractor Victor Frank (n.d.). Bartlett’s infant son was cured by TBM, and Bartlett realized the value of nonconventional medicine. Bartlett eventually earned two medical degrees: a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) from Parker Chiropractic College in 1987 and a Naturopathic Doctor (ND) from Bastyr University of Naturopathic Medicine in 2000.

Bartlett opened his practice in Seattle and found that he could cure many patients with a combination of a light touch and intent.
Marlowe's abstract for the work, following the usual genuflection to Ervin Laszlo, states that -
This study examines transformative change in consciousness in selected individuals not engaged in other transformative spiritual practices, who have a profound experience while attending a Matrix Energetics (ME) seminar (exercising transformational and healing consciousness techniques based on quantum physics). When and if it occurs, the resulting shift in consciousness (which individuals describe as "becoming unzipped" or having a massive change in awareness) appears to support the idea of consciousness as a system near the edge of chaos. Responses of 11 participants to 2 custom questionnaires and 2 assessments - the Self-Expansiveness Level Form (SELF) and the Hartmann Boundary Questionnaire (BQ) - were analyzed using a blended method of grounded theory plus quantitative analysis. Grounded theory was used to derive an analytic grasp of participants' worldviews as expressed in custom questionnaires. Emergent themes were then correlated with numerical data from assessments that complemented and enriched the qualitative data and expanded the scope of the approach. Results indicate that a significant change does occur, and its characteristics are:
1) ME involves a transformative state change rather than a technique.
2) This state change is effortless.
3) Detachment is a requirement to experience the state change.
4) The state change has no limits.
5) What one focuses on expands.
6) The experience involves shared subconscious processes.
Changes occurred typically over a 3 to 5 day seminar, supporting the notion that consciousness of these individuals was an autopoietic system near the edge of chaos. Descriptions of the new state of consciousness comply with descriptions of unity consciousness. Finally, quantum mechanics describes a world of possibilities previously unimaginable. Matrix Energetics practitioners take that description at face value and live in that world. This philosophic change dissolves the paradoxes of Cartesian dualism and creates a new awareness of the zero-point field as the force of the universe.
Uh huh.

I do wonder whether some of the devotees of the parapsychological belief system are more appropriately characterised as 'unhinged' rather than "unzipped". That's cruel, of course. Marlowe's work is based on 11 interviewees - self-identified as a teacher, "demonstrator of life", "transformational coach", "energy healer", physician, medical worker, accountant,CEO, student, "consciousness coach" and software developer - supplemented by contact with a "visionary writer", "healer", "coach, researcher, student" and "healer". Their comments to Marlowe include treats such as -
I’ve done "energy work" — other types of energy work and modalities — [and] I’ve always felt drained afterwards because I was using my own energy but with matrix I don’t feel drained, I feel energized and I’m not using my own energy with matrix, I’m accessing the field of all possibilities and manipulating the quantum particles — I’m manipulating and making changes in the field so when I work on a person I’m just making changes in their field — I’m not taking my energy to do that.
I’m more careful of my thoughts now because I’m more aware of the power of my thoughts in creating my reality. Through the mushroom experience, I saw that energy follows thought. If I focus on what I don’t want — nasty looking mushrooms — that is what I will call forth. Energy follows thought.
one of the aspects of the Conscious Energy Field is that "there is a conspiracy of improbabilities working in our favor". My task is to notice them and utilize the trend they deliver. "Everyday" meaningful coincidences become more and more important and as they are acknowledged the proper path in life becomes more distinct. Yes stuff is always happening and we are making it happen whether we are conscious of our contribution or not.
As a result, Marlowe explains that -
this doctoral study assumes ... that the quantum vacuum is the energy of God, for example the Christian Holy Spirit. At the same time, this research points out some significant differences between mysticism and ME. There is a narrative for almost all forms of spirituality — a set of expectations and beliefs. Spiritual people don’t usually say, "We’re making it up" for example.

ME is a counterexample to traditional expectations of spirituality in the following ways:
1. There is almost no dogma, with the exception of a focus on quantum mechanics, which is an inconsistent collection of theories.

2. There is no authority hierarchy or priesthood. This is a direct result of Bartlett’s dislike of authoritarian structure.

3. Many ME participants learn to do what this investigation calls "state changes". These affect the material world.

4. Expertise is "borrowed", virtually. ME participants consult with anyone, living or dead, who might have useful knowledge. This consultation takes place when dropped down and the expertise is channeled from the quantum vacuum. This supports Laszlo's (2004) theory that the quantum vacuum is analogous to the Akashic Records: a holographic collection of the information of everything that has happened or will happen in the universe.
So, if you telepathically communicate with the living and/or the dead (Laszlo modestly denies the notion of death, indicating that the 'dead' are still with us: "entities that are no longer living in the familiar form in this world but are alive nonetheless" and can thus be contacted using a valve radio) and believe you can undergo a "state change" that allows you to affect the material world by for example healing the sick. Oh dear.

The Institute explains that
Transpersonal Psychology is a full spectrum psychology that encompasses all of this and then goes beyond it by adding a serious scholarly interest in the immanent and transcendent dimensions of human experience: exceptional human functioning, experiences, performances and achievements, true genius, the nature and meaning of deep religious and mystical experiences, non-ordinary states of consciousness, and how we might foster the fulfillment of our highest potentials as human beings.
A skim of its faculty biographies is fascinating. Of 36 core and adjunct staff some 15 have doctorates from the Institute itself or from the Institute of Integral Studies; 8 have Masters degrees from those bodies. Those qualifications presumably come in handy in the course on parapsychology, described as -
This course explores what one has learned, through careful scientific research, about the paranormal processes of telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, and psychokinesis, as well as evidence bearing on the possibility of survival of physical death. Theories, implications, and possible applications of these findings are discussed — with emphasis on their relevance to human interconnectedness, healing, consciousness, and other transpersonal concerns.

The student should emerge from completing this course with an enhanced understanding of the nature of parapsychological inquiry - what are its methods, what does it study, what does not come within its purview? In addition, students will grasp the major forms and manifestations of paranormal experiences and events; namely, telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, psychokinesis, and evidence suggestive of survival of bodily death.
On a bad day I'd say that it sounds like the famous TM University dissed by Martin Gardner, which blithely offered courses on transcendental-meditation-powered levitation while its guru - the one with the industrial-strength collection of diamond-encrusted watches and numerous Rolls Royces - flew more conventionally in first class.

Regrettably, Dr Bartlett - unlike Laszlo - doesn't seem to have founded his own university. His site promotes Matrix Energetics as "an entirely new paradigm" that
utilizes the principles and science of Subtle Energy, and Quantum physics, coupled with the incredible power of active imagination and focused intent to produce physical verifiable effects that often defy rational explanation. Miracles happen every day, Matrix Energetics provides a technology and scientific framework to allow for their every day occurrence.
It is claimed to be
a complete system of healing, self-care and transformation. It is a transferable and teachable phenomenon, powered by intent, which has a physical and observable effect every time. Complete beginners as well as seasoned health care practitioners are able to perform and utilize this work to affect change - with no waiting and no running of energy. Anyone can learn this skill and practice Matrix Energetics.

Matrix Energetics starts with a gentle light touch and the power of focused intent and builds into a new and joy-filled state that can affect life changes. This exciting new tool can be used to heal, to transform and to create new possibilities. It's very much about transforming your beliefs concerning healing, disease and the structure of reality.

Matrix Energetics sometimes appears magical in its expression but is based on the laws and expression of subtle energy physics and the concepts and laws of quantum physics, superstring theory and Sheldrake's Morphic Resonance. Often you will see and feel a wave like motion when Matrix Energetics is applied, as the person being worked on experiences a smooth wave of transformation and the body seems to drop in a completely relaxed wave instantly. This can happen standing up, sitting down or laying on a table. The participants are taught specific methods of using a powerful, focused intent, This is combined with application of a light touch method for identifying the parts of the body where the Matrix Energetics "wave" will yield optimum results. What seems to be happening is that the unconsciousness and the biological physical fields are interacting.

Matrix Energetics is not a "thing" to be defined - it is, instead, a pathway to transformation. This transformation takes place by communicating at the quantum level with the wave fronts (energy and information) that create all of reality. The tools taught in the seminar are simply a language used to access this pathway and map the transformation that occurs. The application of this method of transformation is only limited by your imagination. What are you doing when you "do" Matrix Energetics? You are creating and transforming reality at the quantum level and observing the macro effects of that change.

This new paradigm gives you instant access to new states of awareness which make it possible to interact with the material world and transform it - to affect change connected to past traumas, injuries and emotional patterns. Matrix Energetics shows us how we can consciously choose to observe in a different way. As a natural extension of changing your way of perceiving, your old reality collapses and new possibilities materialize instantly. Physical and emotional conditions can be resolved with the speed of thought. People affect verifiable, observable changes instantly. Often you will see and feel a wave like motion when Matrix Energetics is applied, as the person being worked on experiences a smooth wave of transformation. What seems to be happening is that the unconsciousness and the biological physical field matrix is rearranging itself.

Utilizing Matrix Energetics enables one to engage a state, or way of being, that creates miraculous changes that can be actualized every time by novices and experts alike